Thursday, November 10, 2016

I am an egg donor.
I am proud that I am an egg donor.
I am happy that I am a egg donor.
I am grateful that I am an egg donor.
Once in a while we are able to do something that honestly opens and brightens your life. Donating is one of my moments.

What is egg donation?
 Egg donation is the process by which a fertile woman provides one or several eggs (also known as ova or oocytes) to an infertile woman for purposes of assisted reproduction. After the eggs have been retrieved from the donor, the role of the egg donor is complete. (definition from google)

If you don't really understand what that's saying I'll explain, so about 16000 couples a year need to use an egg donor. Normally because for whatever reason the couple cant conceive using the mothers eggs, so they reach out to different companies to find an egg from a donor. 

That is where I come in, donating over 100 eggs, (only 4 cycles) I provide eggs to families who couldn't conceive otherwise. 
Before I get onto the surgical table, there is a long process to being approved, you have to pass a few physicals, be within physical traits, have no stds or any long term illness, lots of blood work on a twice a week bases. 
Once you are approved into the system you go through what I like to call the hormones, this makes your body that would normally only mature a few eggs, mature all in that months cycle. (somewhere between 20 through 38)
The hormones are delivered via shots placed into the fat in my belly, two, sometimes 3 shots daily.
leaving me little black and blue. 
and sore 
and tired
and little unstable emotionally 
The day of the collection, I put on my P.Js and drive up to the clinic, my amazing, at that time, boyfriend, holding my hand  until they wheel me back,    
they confirm who I am, and my weight, 
put the gas over my face, ask me to count down, 
and before time passes for me I'm waking up with the same boyfriend holding my hand. 

Why egg donation?
So to explain it the best way I can, its like giving someone the best gift, giving them their most prized possessions.
I have opportunity to provide someones everything, kids tend to fill a hole in your heart and add a smile on your face.
I'm not saying donation is right for everyone, but it was perfect for me. I remember sitting in the waiting room, while couples around me where looking at brochures about using egg donations.
Every time I walked into the clinic, I was reminded why I was doing this, Why i am proud I did this.

If anyone were to ask if I regret it I would tell the truth, it was and will always be one of the most amazing experiences of my life.


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